Palshet is a Village in Guhagar Taluk in Ratnagiri District in Maharashtra State . Palshet is 5.646 km far from its Taluk Main Town Guhagar. The famous Hedvi & Velneshwar tourist spot is 10 & 12 km away from Palshet resp.
Palshet is located 50.60 km distance from its District Main City Ratnagiri. It is located 189 km distance from its State Main City Mumbai.
Situated in the district Ratnagiri in Maharashtra.The survey at this site has revealed a partyly burried embankment wall of mediaval period which is located close to the tidal creek of Palshet.This wall is almost completely burried under the silt.The height of the wall is about 3 mts and at the base it is nearly 2.5 mts tapering down to 1 mtr at the top.The length of the meandering wall could be traced in nearly 1.5 k.m.,according to the locals it was a port in the ancient time but due to higher rate of siltting and heavy rainfall it is hard to date any specific period for it.It is most probable that a part of a wall could have been used as jettey and the rest as an embarkment to prevent the tidal water. Presently the wall is 2 k.m. away from the beach.
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